RDP Norway

The RDP server refers to a Windows server that possesses dedicated resources, including CPU, RAM, and storage. Specifically designed for users in Norway, the Norwegian RDP server serves as an excellent tool for various purposes such as forex trading, file sharing, downloading and uploading, website hosting, remote administration, proxy usage, and gaming. It prioritizes achieving the lowest possible latency within Norway. Our affordable Norway Windows remote desktop service operates from the Oslo datacenter. It provides users with comprehensive features, including Full Admin Access, a Dedicated IP, fast and reliable internet connectivity, a Windows License, round-the-clock expert online support, a 1Gbps shared internet port, unlimited bandwidth, NVMe storage, a 99.9% uptime guarantee, intrusion prevention measures, on-demand hard reboots, and reinstallation options. With its robust hardware configuration, minimal latency, swift connectivity, and efficient data transfer capabilities, our service delivers a powerful and seamless user experience.

RDP Norway

Buy Cheap Norway RDP Servers

We offer a range of cheap Norway RDP server plans tailored to meet your needs. Our servers are located in Oslo, ensuring fast and reliable internet connectivity. Don't miss out on the opportunity to enhance your online activities with our cheap Norway RDP server plans. Get started today and enjoy a seamless and cost-effective remote desktop experience.

CPU Cores RAM Storage NVMe Bandwidth Port Price
vCore x2 4 GB ECC 50 GB Unlimited 1 Gbps $29.99 / Month Order Now
vCore x4 6 GB ECC 60 GB Unlimited 1 Gbps $43.99 / Month Order Now
vCore x4 8 GB ECC 80 GB Unlimited 1 Gbps $57.99 / Month Order Now
vCore x6 10 GB ECC 90 GB Unlimited 1 Gbps $78.99 / Month Order Now
vCore x8 12 GB ECC 140 GB Unlimited 1 Gbps $92.99 / Month Order Now
vCore x10 14 GB ECC 160 GB Unlimited 1 Gbps $119.99 / Month Order Now
vCore x16 16 GB ECC 200 GB Unlimited 1 Gbps $149.99 / Month Order Now
vCore x20 24 GB ECC 300 GB Unlimited 1 Gbps $198.99 / Month Order Now
vCore x24 32 GB ECC 400 GB Unlimited 1 Gbps $286.99 / Month Order Now

Fastest data, files and execution processing in Europe due to smart networking and powerful infrastructure.

Dedicated Administrative Access

No restriction, enjoy full control on resources and installation of your desired software.

Proxy and Game Server




Security Measures


OS Installation


Robust Infrastructure


KVM Virtualization


Best Norway RDP Provider

order instantly.

Are Servers physically located in Norway?


What is your server provisioning time?


Do you have a remote desktop option?


What OS you offer?


Do I have full access to the server or is it limited?


Can I restart the server remotely?


Can the amount of resources be increased if needed?


What is the main usage of RDP?
